About Us

Welcome to 4NetTravel.com

Since 1993, Innovative Travel Company has been a leader in the travel and tourism industry. We pride ourselves on a highly qualified staff, knowledgeable in all phases of the business travel industry focusing on customer satisfaction.

Innovative Travel Company was started 21 years ago on the premise that nothing beats personalized service, experience, and attention to detail. While many Internet sites promise special deals, travelers are often unaware of restrictions, exceptions, and fine print. Making the right choices based on price alone is not always the best course of action for travelers. We hear too many stories of travelers regretting that they didn’t call us first.

We recognized the need for experienced agents in the Internet age. While many agents succumb to the pressure of bargain Internet sites, we recognized the niche for knowledgeable experienced travel professionals, knowing that travelers would appreciate the values of a full-service travel agency. Many travelers learned that they actually saved money by seeking the help of an experienced travel professional. 4NetTravel.com highlights this fact and we are part of Innovative Travel Company.

Our founders have spent nearly two decades in the industry. We are determined to prove that our agency will provide better service and value than any other means of travel planning. We are proud to be recognized as an industry leader.

Don’t leave your business travel to chance! Have important business? Arrive rested and stress-free. Leave the planning to us!